Monday, March 4, 2013

Marie Jarrell; Architectural Lighting; Due Tues. 3-5-2013

For this assignment we textured the "Challenge #17: Natural History" scene from the challenge website ( Concentrating on creating a realistic environment, using lighting methods discussed in class.

Problems and Solutions:
This was a large disorganized file, every stair step, colum, block or decoration was its own geometry and the overall size of the file made work slow and prone to crashing. I first had to spend a great deal of time grouping and combining items, deleting items that were not visible in my scene, and generally just trying to decrease the file size.

Still no matter what I did I could not load texture files on anything but my own laptop. The walls and columns of the museum refused to load texture files no matter what I did. So, I simply used the texture supplied by the file and manipulated the attributes of that texture.

Finally for the floor, I liked the texture but was seeing some pixelation in my renders. 
To fix this I increased the number of pixels in the image  and the resolution of the file.

Research Images: 

Texture Images: 
Bone                                                                                                          Flooring

Display Texture                                                                              Display Texture Bump map

Progress Images: 

Final Image 1st Draft: 

Final Image: 

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