Thursday, April 18, 2013

Marie Jarrell; The King's Treasure; Due Tues. 4-23-2013

For this assignment we textured the "Challenge #19: The King's Treasure" scene from the challenge website ( Including reflection, refraction, caustics, and bump mapping on appropriate objects, with mental ray. Concentrating on texturing the scene using techniques that would result in realistic and interesting shading and texturing.

Problems and Solutions:
It took me a great deal of time to work out how to get the caustics working and making the gems look nice. I used maya's mia material shaders to get better metal shaders and found a copper tutorial in the DPA809 folder which contained a beautiful fabric shader which I manipulated for the crown fabric and gave me a better understanding on what attributes affect how a metal looks. This helped me a great deal when I was manipulating the coins. For some reason I couldn't get my shadows to wok the way I wanted however, I found a tutorial on line on how to composite using photoshop. This allowed me to try my hand at using ambient occlusion. 

 Texture Images: 

Used to create crown fabric texture                                                 Image for Coin Bump Map

Progress Images:

Final Image Before Critique: