Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Intermediate Raytracer Sample and Creative


For this project, you will write will extend the basic ray tracer implemented for Project 1. Features of this ray tracer include: planes, boxes, checkerboard pattern, light attenuation, shadows, and multiple light sources.

Your ray tracer should fulfill the following requirements:
– planes (with checkerboard pattern)
– boxes
– light attenuation – light loses power as distance grows
– shadows
– multiple light sources

Your ray tracer must produce the sample image and another image of your design.

Notes on my Raytracer

For this Project I had no trouble creating the multiple objects. Though getting the checkered pattern on the board did cause me some initial trouble this was solved once I realized I was incorrectly using the camera origin point for my calculations when I could have been using the intersection point. The extra lights didn't cause to much trouble either.

Most of the problem solving I had to do actually came from my Creative image. Here I wanted to play around with several planes and really create and illusion of depth. I got to experiment with various object and light placement and see what sort of problems different arrangements created. Perhaps one of the most obvious things I discovered was that since I was creating an image on a 3D plane I didn't have to resize objects to make them to look further away I simply had to push back in space.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Basic Raytracer

Here is the image generate by my first Ray tracer. It includes ambient, diffuse, and specular light.